Thursday, April 19

Blog Revisited

What's in a blog?

Of late this blog has become more of the proverbial secret hole in a tree, where in stories people go find a hole in a tree trunk to confide their burdens and secrets into, and then fill it up with soil, hoping it never to be found or uncovered.

I hate to be superficial, but at times it could be necessary. How much do I have to be honest? It has not been a popular personal policy to uncover myself, and thus explains the cryptic writings and quotations. Sometimes I amaze myself by my own tendency to be truthful, but it is difficult to write and there are many gaps here. So many things have happened the last 2 months and this hole is not filled up as it would had been.

Restrain is probably a good thing.

Joash, how daddy's insanity could not had been contained if not for you. How I love you, and how you are the brightest spot in the universe. And thank God for my wife, my ever long suffering Charles and Bro Edmund, who have been there with me, whom without I would have nothing to grip on, through the meltdown you that guys know.

So, what should be in a blog? Overt, covert or foolishly trivial?

I really don't know.


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